City | Data | Future Exhibition
The City | Data | Future exhibition is a part of the biennale, and it takes place at Aarhus Main Library. It’s free and open to everyone. The official opening takes place November 19 18:30.
City | Data | Future presents a series of visions depicting what it might be like to live in a near future city saturated with data. Some of these speculations about our urban futures will make you smile, while others will cause you to stop and think, but the hope is that in all of the pieces you will recognised a shared humanity as cities, above all else, are about people.

Image from the film installation Chupan Chupai, which can be experienced at the exhibition.
A human-centred perspective
Each of the exhibition works seeks to activate the imagination, rather than to specify technology or make claims about our shared future – they are intended to start conversations about what that future could be like. The themes that emerge reflect our concerns and desires for today as well as our hopes and fears for tomorrow.
The research field of Urban Interaction Design is important because, at its core, it is concerned with people and, if there is one clear message from the work of the UrbanIxD project and the City | Data | Future exhibition it is that: The city is there for all of us and the first step to making liveable cities starts by taking a human-centred perspective.
Hosts and sign-up
The opening is hosted by Dr Martin Brynskov, General Chair of MAB14, and it features welcome addresses by:
- Rolf Hapel (Director of Citizens Services and Libraries)
- Michael Smyth (UrbanIxD Project Coordinator)
Sign up for the opening at Facebook – or visit the exhibition whenever you have the time. It’s open on November 20-29.
Read more about this exhibition on the City | Data | Future website