Inspiration for your MAB14 paper

“We were actually quite curious when we invited people to submit, so we intentionally stayed clear of making any clear cut definitions of media architecture in our call for papers,” said Conference Programme Chair Peter Dalsgaard when he was interview at the 2012 Media Architecture Biennale.

Peter Dalsgaard and his co-chair Ava Fatah gen Schieck ended up receiving close to 40 papers from all over the world. A Programme Committee consisting of what gen Schieck calls “the brightest minds in the field” then selected 12.

“As it turned out, the submissions we got really represented a broad range,” Dalsgaard explained in the interview.

“On the one hand, you have traditional media façade papers; people going out and building these things and talking about their experiences. But it actually spans a much broader spectrum. So for instance we also have papers about soundscapes. We have discussions of theoretical aspects; frameworks we see emerging around ways of understanding media architecture, and how people are experiencing it – and also political papers.”

Dalsgaard and Fatah gen Schieck, from Aarhus University and the Bartlett respectively, are also the Conference Programme Chairs at the Media Architecture Biennale 2014. Watch the full interview below.

You can still submit your paper for 2014 – deadline is June 20.