“Media architecture is wonderful and scary”

Martin Brynskov, the MAB General Chair, argues that we must understand media architecture in order to understand the digital revolution.


“Media architecture is a perfect example of what’s happening with the digitalization of our society in general,” Brynskov said when interviewed on the subject at the last biennale.

“Media architecture is a very nice example of what kind of issues we as a society meet now that we have smartphones and everything is digital.”

These issues are not primarily technological ones, Brynskov claims. Instead they are about having to form a whole new team of competences in order to address new challenges and new materials:

“I don’t like to talk to much about technology. To me it’s not about technology. It’s about new materials. So we still need architects to think about how these spaces support life.”

“Media architecture is this wonderful and scary mix of traditional architecture competences, skills and problems – and something completely different.”

The development is rapid, and Brynskov urges people with an interest in city development and planning – and societal issues at large – to get an understanding of media architecture; of its options and challenges:

“Digitalization and IT used to be a resource, something we could opt into. Now it’s coming at us, we need to sort it out.”

Martin Brynskov, Aarhus University, is also the General Chair of the Media Architecture Biennale 2014. Watch the full interview below.