City Architects’ Meeting

Photo by SHL / Smart Aarhus
Cities are increasingly becoming dynamic event spaces, while at the same time demanding optimal resource efficiency and digital information flows. Physical and digital urban spaces are coming together in one hybrid situation. Due to the increasing integration of media and the built environment – from billboards and urban screens to media facades and intelligent street lightning, “media architecture” is becoming a central part of shaping the city landscape.
This workshop offers a very special opportunity for city architects, chief urban planners, developers and other decision-makers to exchange experiences with colleagues from all over the world on strategic and practical issues of new urban technologies and media.
MAB14 will host the City Architects’ Meeting – including an exclusive roundtable and panel discussions embedded in the MAB14 programme – for people who oversee and drive this development, to exchange experiences and ideas about the role of media architecture in the city. The actual title of these people may vary from city to city. In some places there is a city architects’ department, while in others this function is covered by the urban development, planning, landscape and/or cultural heritage departments.
Half-day session
Time: 12:30-16:00
Venue: C.F. Møller Architecs.
Meeting point to walk together to the venue is Godsbanen, entrance 3H. Be at this meeting point at 12:00.
- Peter Bishop (The Bartlett School of Architecture)
- Stephen Willacy (City Architect at Aarhus Kommune)